N4 NorthPop
We are well underway building a large, prospective, population-based cohort in northern Sweden: the NorthPop child cohort. The overall aim of NorthPop is to identify preventable risk factors for common childhood disorders. We will recruit 10 000 pregnant women in Västerbotten County and follow the families and children from pregnancy until school age. An extensive range of data and biological material is collected from the study participants (child and parents). The NorthPop database and biobank will be a very valuable resource for research for decades to come.
A selection of ongoing NorthPop projects is listed below:
- ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder): prevalence and risk factors
- Can epigenetic modifications be used as markers of chemical exposures, dietary lifestyle, socioeconomic factors and early childhood health?
- Converging light exposure and epigenetics to define the role of daylight length on children’s sleep and diurnal activity
- Diet diversity in infancy and allergic manifestations
- Effects of screen time exposure on neurodevelopment
- Effects of the covid-19 pandemic on the neurodevelopment of toddlers
- Effects of nutrition and other early environmental factors on brain development and cognitive/ behavioural problems in children
- Environmental impact of diet during pregnancy
- Feeding difficulties and associations with behavioral problems
- Language development in Swedish children
- Oral microbiota in health and disease
- Physical activity during pregnancy and in 3-year-olds
- Prevention of celiac disease
- Programming of the microbiota and allergic diseases
Watch an introduction video to NorthPop here.

The N4 NorthPop Team
Researchers (core group)
- Magnus Domellöf
- Christina West
- Anna Chmielewska
- Elisabeth Stoltz Sjöström
- Jonas Sandlund
- Karin Brunnegård
- Katharina Wulff
- Olof Sandström
- Pernilla Lif Holgersson
- Sophia Harlid
- Sven-Arne Silfverdal
- Richard Lundberg-Ulfsdotter, PhD student, Project Coordinator and Data Manager
- Carina Lagerqvist, BMA
- Anita Stenudd, Project Assistant
- Sieglinde Kundisch, Project Assistant
- Suad Zamil, Project Assistant
- Maria Olsson, Project Administrator
- Bodil Löfgren, Study Staff
- Elene Olsson, Study Staff
- Ingela Augustsson, Study Staff
- Gunilla Strinnholm, Research Nurse
- Isabel Neyra Marklund, Research Nurse
- Marie Lindvall, Research Nurse
- Stina Segerstedt-Clode, Research Nurse
- Mona Svensson, Laboratory Technician
- Daniel Jansson, PhD student
- Fanny Kelderer, PhD student
- Jonas Österlund, PhD student
- Maria Öström, PhD student
Affiliated Researchers
- Anders Bignert
- Bo Yuan
- Catharina Eriksson
- Erik Domellöf
- Ingegerd Johansson
- Kotryna Simonyte
- Linda Vidman
- Maja af Klinteberg
- Maria Lindqvist
- Maria Rosenberg
- Pamela Hasslöf
- Patrik Andersson
- Patrik Rydén
- Stina Bodén
- Åke Bergman
… and many more