6000 families in NorthPop!

We are pleased to announce that over 6000 families now are part of the NorthPop study! Considering the circumstances surrounding the coronavirus pandemic we are so happy and grateful that participants continue to see the value in the study and are interested in taking part. Now around 18,000 individuals (mothers, partners and children) are part […]

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NorthPop starts up in Lycksele

As of today, 19 October 2021, expectant parents throughout all of Västerbotten can join NorthPop! NorthPop started in Umeå in 2016 and three years later the study grew northwards to include Skellefteå. Starting today, expectant parents who do their routine ultrasound in Lycksele will also be invited to contribute to the research study. “The purpose […]

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One thousand thanks to one thousand Skellefteå families!

NorthPop is very happy to announce that 1000 families in Skellefteå and its neighbouring areas are now participating in the study. The interest in the NorthPop study is huge. Close to 8 out of every 10 families coming for their routine ultrasound choose to take part. NorthPop, which started in Umeå in 2016, started up […]

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Neonatal nutrition course

Neonatal nutrition course 6-7 September 2021, Stockholm The Swedish Neonatal Society’s working group for nutrition and gastroenterology organised a course in neonatal nutrition in Stockholm 6-7 September. The organising committee and participants met at Högberga Gård in Stockholm for the two-day course. Due to current covid-19 circumstances it was also possible to participate via videolink. […]

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Itay Zamir wins the Jean Rey prize @ WCPGHAN

Itay Zamir of Umeå University has won the Jean Rey prize at the digital 6th World Congress of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (WCPGHAN) for his abstract presentation ‘The very low birth weight infants – glucose and hormonal profiles over time (LIGHT) study: Glucose levels at 36 weeks postmenstrual age’. The Jean Rey prize is […]

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Neonatal hyperglycaemia is associated with worse neurodevelopmental outcomes in extremely preterm infants

The N4 Preterm Team has published new results in a prestiguous journal, on the effects of neonatal hyperglycaemia and insulin treatment on long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes in children born extremely preterm. This observational Swedish national cohort study, based on the EXPRESS cohort, used prospectively and retrospectively collected data and neurodevelopmental assessment was performed at 6.5 years […]

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First scientific publication from the NorthPop study

A sub-study shows that pregnant women in Västerbotten gain more weight and are less physically active during their pregnancy than recommended. This increases the risk of emergency caesarean section and bleeding, and is associated with poorer perceived health during pregnancy. – This is an important finding as it shows that there are opportunities to improve […]

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